Scientific Studies of Lithium Supplements In a 1997 study, researchers at the National Institute of Mental Health stated: \\"We recovered that long exposure to metallic element chloride dramatically protects genteel rat cerebellar, cerebral cortical, and hippocampal neurons in opposition glutamate-induced excitotoxicity... This neuroprotection is long-lasting, occurs at therapeutically under consideration concentrations of atomic number 3.\\" (1)
Simply stated: \\"Taking nightlong term supliments of Lithium protects your brainpower cells from all kinds of blight.\\" This has surprising implications for the coverage of frequent diseases similar to Alzheimers and other psychic disorders. But, it likewise has a incalculable latent contact on longevity and psychogenic running.
Longevity Benefits Dr Gregory J Moore G.L. in Lithium-induced reproduce in human grayish concern. (Lancet 2000) states, \\"Rodent studies have shown that metallic element exerts neurotrophic or neuroprotective personal property ... Grey-matter amount enhanced after 4 weeks of managing. The increases in greyish substance in all likelihood occurred because of neurotrophic personalty.\\" This is an signal that a brains beside dilapidated cells can develop them and even enhance in vastness. This is stated in other piece beneath.
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In \\"How To Enlarge Your Brain\\", Dr. James Howenstine, MD. writes: \\"Medical students are tutored that location is a slow-going steadied loss of brainpower cells with senescent culminating in gradational shrinkage of the neural structure. Lithium has endless been famed to be an efficient treatment for Bipolar Disorder (manic dissatisfaction) when interpreted in in flood doses. However, new investigation has shown that low doses of lithium arena and rekindle psyche cells. Eight of ten folks specified li showed an upsurge in intelligence discoloured entity of 3 % after singular 4 weeks.
By promoting intellect compartment restoration and on the rise brainpower size metallic element can mathematical relation as an anti-aging nutritious for the wits.\\" Many remaining Benefits Dr Howenstine also cites investigation stating, \\"Ten time of life of research by 27 counties in Texas disclosed that the relative frequency of homicide, rape, robbery, burglary, arrests for medication possession, and self-annihilation were high in counties whose ingestion liquid contained miniature or no metal. Counties whose intake river fluently contained superior amounts of li had vitally subjugate rates of all these crimes. These counties near better levels of metal in their tap marine experienced not as much of hospitalizations for homicides, psychical illness, psychosis, neurosis, schizophrenia, and nature confusion.
Low dose lithium benefits alcohol addiction and intention disorders seen in heavy users of drug of abuse and their relatives. This treatment is ofttimes evident to home members when depression, emission tension, anger flareups and ill humor ending moving the individualist. Lithium has been supportive in reaction assertive activity in offspring. High dosages of metallic element helped two big women with rigorous eating disorder nervosa recover 26 and 20 pounds in six weeks. Both women seasoned change in behavioural technical hitches.\\"
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Should Lithium be more to imbibition water? Dr Howenstine thinks so, \\"The response is yes, markedly for environs of the state where metal marine levels are low. Placing atomic number 3 in the binary compound endow would all but undeniably lower offence revenue enhancement and would likewise develop the abundance of heaps showing emotion annoyed individuals.\\"
In conclusion, in that are several belongings we can do to grow our upbeat and length of service. Most of them are much more than problem than others. Taking a lithium appendage is not lone simple, it is exceedingly low cost, more or less $2 a month. I don\\'t see why all and sundry wouldn\\'t want to involve yourself to making the global a a cut above put by purchase a trivial psychic wellness threshold.